About - COVID-Secure Check

This is website is no longer being updated — read about the future of Covid Secure workplaces.


Many people are returning to work as the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown eases. As they do, employers must make sure their workplaces are safe.

UK law says every employer with more than five staff must produce a risk assessment. And new government guidance says that these risk assessments should be published on employers’ own websites: If possible, you should consider publishing the results on your website (and we would expect all businesses with over 50 workers to do so).

Everyone needs to know what firms are doing to keep their workers – and their customers – safe.

We think it should be a legal requirement that employers publish their risk assessments and put them on a government portal. This would help make sure that bad bosses don’t put the health of workers at risk.

In the meantime, we’re collecting risk assessments in one place. This will show how different employers are planning to make workplaces safer. And it will make it easier for workers and local communities to check whether employers are following the guidelines.

To do this, we need your help. Find and anonymously add your employer’s risk assessment (or assessments - there may be more than one) to the database. Together we can show what’s actually happening in our workplaces and whether bosses are taking their responsibilities seriously. Doing this publicly and transparently will put pressure on employers and the government to show they care about the health of millions of working people.

To do this, we need your help. If you’re back at work, find and anonymously add your employer’s risk assessment(s) to our database. You can also look at other companies which have re-opened, and see if they have followed the government’s guidance to publish their risk assessment. And send us your tips and info about where employers aren’t following the rules [link to email].

Together we can put pressure on government and employers to keep their workers safe.

Who is running this site?

This website is operated by the Trades Union Congress. We represent trade unions and their members. But it’s open to all workers, union members or not.

This service was created by pt2 and Sam Jeffers.